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We Are Odom Investments & Property Management.

We are a local, community-based business operating out of the greater Milwaukee area and serving South-Eastern Wisconsin.

Our objective is to make sense out of the complexities of the home ownership process by preparing our clients for what comes next. We fundamentally believe that the process is a journey – from genesis of thought through move in and personalization, and one must be equipped with the proper tools, knowledge and understanding to have success.  Welcome to Odom Investments & Property Management, home of Odom Homes and a new way of thinking about your future to home ownership.

We welcome you to our page. 


Our Values

We value our clients, the work we do in the community, and the quality of the services we provide. The four tenents which our foundation is built upon are:


Live Our Mission

We are constantly reevaluating our goals and holding each other accountable to make sure we are successful in fulfilling our mission.


Build Relationships

It is our duty to connect with the clients we serve and the community.



We believe in serving our community and building connections, while playing our role in being a part of the change.


Act With Integrity

We are honest and forthright with our clients, community, and within the company.



We go above and beyond to connect with clients and our community. We meet clients where they are. We build relationships, while providing adequate services.

The Mission

We strive to provide affordable housing, while changing communities, and bringing life back to homes.

The Vision

Our vision is to make communities beautiful again and provide families with access to information and resources on their journey towards affordable housing. We see a well informed client as a well prepared client. We envision individual and communal accomplishments grounded in clear direction, financial literacy, personal responsibility, and the ability to be self-sustaining. Our team works to educate people from the community about financial preparedness, the home buying process and the home maintenance requirements. We are committed to building relationships and creating an awareness of “what’s possible” by connecting the community with its members, while making their experience positive, impactful, and full of memories that can be passed on generationally.